Friday, June 17, 2016

Kit Kat 大人の甘さシリーズ

Kit Kat has a strong presence here in Japan. They have this 大人の甘さシリーズ (roughly translated: mature sweetness series) that introduces flavors more appealing to adults or those with a "more mature" palate.

This thing here is the raspberry flavored KitKat. It's pink like the strawberry and Sakura flavored KitKats. But I think I prefer the citrus flavored one I got from Ehime. Maybe I should stop by one of the specialty stores at Shinjuku to see wht else they've got.

Friday, June 10, 2016

George Carlin

“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”

I laughed when I first heard this quote. It sounded so ridiculous! The idea that the fact that there are people stupider than you are should affect you somehow was incredulous. It also assumes that you live in a perfect world where perfect bell curves exist and that outliers or skewed graphs do not exist.

Assuming this fact is in some way true, how would this affect you?

Or is it human nature to look for people with similar minds? Who gets what you say or what you want to say or why you said what you said? Someone who can figure you out?

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Feature Request: Copy Text to Clipboard

Looking through my past feature request post I found a solution to one of them. I found a keyboard shortcut that works with rikai-kun (for chrome) that lets me copy the words that pop up. Here's a list of all the keyboard shortcuts for rikai-kun. The copied entries are tab-separated so you can paste it directly into Excel or a text-based file to export to flash card software or applications.

Keyboard shortcuts when popup is visible
AAlternate popup location
YMove popup location down
CCopy to clipboard
DHide/show definitions
Shift/EnterSwitch dictionaries
BPrevious character
MNext character
NNext word

Japanese Dictionary

I was using Weblio for translations but it has a lot of advertisements so loading the page takes too long. is a simpler site that loads faster. Kanji characters have furigana so you can read the example sentences or words you are looking up. The site also uses hash tags to help narrow down searches. You can even use them to call up specific word lists for studying.

Japanese to English Translations

Linguee comes up with common translations for words and this site also gives example paragraphs of how the words are used. You get the context in which the words are used.

New link for Jim Breen's WWWJDIC EDict
wwwjdic word search