Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Cecil Rhodes

"So little done, so much to do."

+ finally saw that jap guy in IEP >D;; +

Was super embarassed though. I just happened to be in that class and I saw his name on a pile of homework papers. (The class was given a short break at that time). So I asked their lecturer, "Who's this?" And, well, apparently he must have been very well aware of my "fetish" for anything Japanese and immediately looked around and said "Okada~!! There's this girl who really wants to..." I hit him here before he could continue. Jap boy even said Hi back. Embarassing >.< I didn't even know he was IN THE CLASS!!! Should've said Hi back though. Damn. Was too red in the face and airy in the head to think.

Will be back tomorrow though. >D;;;;;;

+ got my first sem results +
+ am very, very pleased (PRAISE THE LORD!!!!) +

Although I can say that I was so clueless that I didn't even realise that the results would be out by today. Even when friends called to inform me about how they did. It was only when my closest friend called and asked how did I do that I realized, 'hey, how did I do?' (original? yea... thought so too).

Well, I'm very pleased if I do say so myself. Very pleased indeed. Call me, sms me, talk to me, msn me, or e-mail me (the best way) if you must know how I did. If not, just be glad for me that prayers were answered and that God was so good!

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