Friday, November 2, 2007

Free Rice =D
Go give it a try XD It's a sister site of and it's actually a word-guessing game where you have to guess the meaning of words. Each time you guess a word right you are donating 10 grains of rice (10 grains per word) to help in eradicating world hunger. It started on October the 7th but I've only started playing recently. xD It's just perfect for someone like me who loves words for just being words. =)

After enjoying a nice cup of americano, I find myself in need of studying but every single part of me wants to just stop time and sleep. A good friend said that the brain works best if you give it a 15 minutes rest for every 45 minutes you put it to work. So I'll do just that. xD

Romeo x Juliet
It ended at episode 24. I was completely touched by the ending; then again I'm the type who cries very easily. Well, if you're the type who thinks that Romeo (the one in this series) is not a very strong character, you will definitely think differently about him in this episode. The ending was somewhat bittersweet. Especially since it's based on Shakespeare's play, I really thought that this ending was perfect. Overall, it was satisfactory for me.


Kenneth Tong said...

the link that you have there... it's really cool! learning words and also testing my knowledge while helping the needy with rice!
hahaha i donated 1000 grains of rice already! Yahoo!! will be donating more... I'm gonna influence my peers with it!

- k o R i - said...

lolz... I'm glad you like it xD Kyu was the one who told me about this site =) donate 1000 grains only not enough xD must donate everyday XD;;;;;;;;;

Kenneth Tong said...

yes... yes...
i donated more ad...
so far 12300 grains ad...
more to come..
don't worry, i'll do my part for the world one...
so how's it going there?

- k o R i - said...

lolz.. things are GOOD because I've just finished finals!!! =D so yea... I'm taking life very slowly right now xD waiting for hospital attachment to start xD

Kenneth Tong said...

ohhh cool...
hospital attachment should be interesting... wait why hospital attachment? you doing pre-med or something now?
btw.. i donated 11000 recently at one go!@

- k o R i - said...

I've been doing a medical bioscience double degree all this while =P So I need hospital attachment =P

Kenneth Tong said...

medical bioscience... so it's both medical and also research?

- k o R i - said...

yep. that's a good way of describing it. lol.

Kenneth Tong said...

hahaha... nice...
i'm still thinking on that for my graduate school.. but the problem is that, it's gonna be many many more years in school and the need for me to take the MCAT! aish...