Monday, June 2, 2008

Ethical Or Not

I'm often reminded everyday why it is so important to know who God is and what following him means.

This may be a little irrevelant to what I just said but while studying, I came accross several slides on ethics in science. Everytime they asked the question "is this ethical?" or "is this immoral?" or "is this right?" They would refer to the vaticans, the muslims, the protestants, the jewish, etc. Or should I just sum it up and say 'the religious'?

Science if often thought of as a body of knowledge or a society that is apart from religion. Simply because science is not governed by doctrine but by discovery (in a very loose sense). Yet, every time they need to make a decision on "is this right or wrong?" they refer to religious views.

Shouldn't we, as Christians, always be ready to give them answers as God says in the Bible? Shouldn't we always be prepared such that God's views are always at the tip of our tongues? Shouldn't we always be able to say what the Bible says?


Johnny Ong said...

are u?

- k o R i - said...

I hope I am.

I think I am still able to answer to certain questions... and I pray I'll be able to use the knowledge God has given me and be prepared for when the time comes.

Johnny Ong said...

amen to that