Thursday, February 6, 2014

Feature Request: Automatically Save Web Content

Maybe it already exists, maybe it's just a worthless dream, but I really hope that there's an app or software for this.

I'm an amateur translator who can only translate Japanese to English or Mandarin to English. Because I'm an amateur I often have to look up words in dictionaries to check if my translation was correct. While this isn't difficult, with many awesome online dictionaries available, I would like to actually be able to save the results I found. For future reference.

Why would that be important?

Well, I love learning new languages and increasing my vocabulary would be a lot easier if I can just remember the words I just learnt. The problem is, in order to do that, I have to constantly copy and paste words from the dictionary result into another document before I can process the words. (I create CSV and TXT files to import into flashcard programs such as AnyMemo or Mnemosyne.)

So I would love it if there's a program out there that would help me download the dictionary results I found into a text file or something.

That reminds me, if there's a software that can automatically insert the exact date and time when I open a file or start typing or start... something, that would be great! (Even if I have to click a button or list the actions to trigger this function I would still want it.)

Haven't found anything useful online but maybe I will. (I forgot I used to use this blog to track good websites.)

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