Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mendeley Collections

Mendeley is an awesome reference manager. It works across various platforms and is able to sync your library over different machines. Even if the machine you're using doesn't have Mendeley, you can still easily access your references through Mendeley web. 

Adding references to Mendeley is easy and pain free. The problem with Mendeley though is if you want to bring your library with you everywhere. 

I can't seem to get the software to load fast on my school's workstation because every time I load Mendeley, it's the "first time" it loads. That means it automatically starts importing all the pdf files I have uploaded to the web. 

At first I thought I'd work around that by keeping my pdf collection on dropbox and manage them through Mendeley. That worked but the problem is, the program still tries to download the entire  database of PDFs even when they are already in my computer. 

That just sucks. 

So, I've decided not to load any PDFs at all. I turned the function off. Now Mendeley works just fine for me. 

I use it to manage references and when I need my PDFs I can simply click "add pdf" and it'll be where I expect it to be. No harm done. Would be nice if it's automatic but I guess nothing in this world is perfect. 

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