Sunday, April 16, 2017

Opening Hours for the Working Class of Japan

Looking at openings hours as a whole in Japan makes you wonder if the country was made for housewives. A colleague once said that it was always the women who handled the household finances because they're better at it. But really, at a time when more husbands worked than wives, what working adult in Japan could make it to the bank between 9 am and 5 pm on a weekday? Shopping malls close at 8pm, which is way too early for most of the working class. Parcels almost always gets delivered in the middle of the day when a working adult can in no way be at home.

Japan is not really convenient for people working here. Do they really think that everyone has a housewife to rely on? Does Japan really believe that the people who have money or who are actually earning money don't deserve to enjoy the convenient services they have?

I say, either open way earlier than 10 am or close way later. Think of your services and who needs them.

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