Monday, January 25, 2010

What I Miss

Honours year is so short. Research is fun. People... not so much. In fact, am so fed up with having to put up with lousy attitudes that I've become so cynical and mean. Although, having people with an attitude around made me realize that there are also those who understands and are truly awesome. Thanks everyone for being supportive (if you know me, you know what I'm talking about.)

Putting people aside, research has been going on smoothly. I've taken up a presidency post with the Monash Postgraduate Association at the Sunway Campus. It's a lot of work. Sat for my first student council meeting on Saturday and found out it was five hours long. Was definitely not prepared.

Meetings, research, and avoiding ignorant snubs have taken up too much of my time.

I miss having time to sit down, relax with a cuppa, and do nothing work related.
I miss my piano.
I miss being able to sleep at ten and wake up at ten.

I just miss being me.

Joined a group with Joo at deviantart. Am apparently supposed to proofread.
Will explain more later.


JoeanneWLV said...

I miss those times too... Life is changing so fast, I think I have not enough time to stop by, listen to the musics and sounds around me, or to enjoy the scenery around me.

Anyways, to whatever you're doing now, hope you truly enjoy. Muacks.

- k o R i - said...

hewo! thanks for dropping by :)

Hope you're truly enjoying what you're doing too ^^