Sunday, August 12, 2007

To Truly Blog

In the past, my whole purpose of blogging was to enhance my html skills and to put up songs for request. Now that I no longer have songs to give out, I've decided to blog for blogging's sake. No point updating about my site if there's nothing I can change in it and no point updating little excerpts of my life in short incomplete sentences if my life is really just that - excerpts. Well, I'll type out more.


August 12, 2007: Sunday

I didn't go to church today. Slept since 5.30pm yesterday, waking up only for dinner, and sleeping all the way till 8.30am when my dad finally decided to come see if I'm up. I wasn't. He gave me Jujubes instead ^^ Cough drops ^^ So I spent most of my day watching anime, chatting with friends, writing up reports, blogging, reading/sending emails, in other words, the usual.

My brother chased me back to Australia coz I told him I was depressed coming back home to Malaysia T___T Now I'm depressed again T___T Not only that!! He took a picture of me sleeping! >.<

My parents don't get it. They believe by just cleaning out the leaves jutting out from that hole so that it looks like there's no hole they've solved the problem. They don't get how it feels like to wake up with black stuff all over your bed and sometimes waking up with dead insects beside you (I cover myself with a blanket though. Don't trust them when they said they've solved the problem). They don't get moving the bed away just make it less okay (you still get black stuff and insects). They don't get that when it rains, more black stuff and insects will drop down. They just don't get it because it's not them sleeping in that room! There, I've said it out. (They still didn't get it after I said what I said to them.)

Anyway, life moves on and they'll probably have to really do something soon or else my poor brother will never get his room to himself ever until I move out.



I got lazy so, here's my entries for the following labels: -

- lumpen: those individuals cut off from their normal socioeconomic class.
- palliate: to extenuate; also, to relieve.
- epicene: having the characteristics of both the male and the female.
- sanctum: a place where one is free from intrusion.

- Germaine Greer - "The essence of pleasure is spontaneity."
- Jean Rostand - "To love an idea is to love it a little more than one should."

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