Saturday, July 5, 2008

Crab Football

Have you ever heard of such a game? It is one that applies the rules of football with a little twist.

Players have to walk like crabs.

It's really simple actually. You sit yourself on the floor, lean back, and use arms and legs to walk. Then, you use your foot to play football. Of course the "field" is much smaller. Each game lasts 15 minutes. (Honestly, who can walk like a crab for any longer and play football at the same time?)

Our cell group (well, both cell groups) decided to play this game instead of the usual captainball for this month's inter-CG activity. It was really fun. That is, it was a game full of laughs. You have no idea how competitive we can all be until you put us all in a team sports game. Crawling around on your bum and all fours was interesting. Especially since you can't move very fast. It was funny when we had to chase after the rolling ball that was about to get out of bounds. But hey, they all gave up halfway when they realized no one's going to catch up. Haha.

As short and non-informative this post may be, I have to stop typing. It hurts too much. Why? Aha... if you must know...

We all went home with blistered hands.

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