Monday, July 7, 2008

Wonderland Online

Yes, another MMORPG. I've gotten myself a lvl 20 chara there. A magical based fire character. (Oh, and a lvl 10 wind chara I'm not using atm.)

This game is another free for life mass multiplayer online RP game from ( It's where Tales of Pirates came from too.

The first thing that got me playing this game was... the fact that I missed playing the Sims. (Lol! Well, not exactly... but...) This game lets you build your own house! The idea is very interesting... I'll relate what I remember from the first point of the game.

Based on the story, you get to choose a number of characters that are passengers of a cruise ship (there are even secret characters you can switch to on the ship). Each of the characters can be of either fire, water, wind or earth element. This influences the type of attacks you will get. Then, you get to choose your main stat (either str, con, int, wis or agi). At first, I thought you add the stats based on the skills you want to get, but, having con for def is a lot of help...

Anyway, the cruise ship you were on is shipwrecked and you're stranded on an island. A man named Robinson (thanks tas >.>) saves you and tells you that he has been trying to get out of this place for 28 years and failed! You then begin your journey of trying to survive in that island. You get a tent (that can be moved wherever you go... haha...) and you meet villagers, complete quests, hunt or collect materials to make your house or equipments. You get to compound weapons, armours and other materials even! Very versatile compared to most MMORPG games. It's enjoyable definitely.

Oh! I even have a cool guild: The WWarriors(or The Wonderland Warriors)! Haha... See you there if you feel like playing!


Anonymous said...

The man vhos saves you after the vreck, is Robinson, not Johnson =P.

- k o R i - said...

;_; thank you tas ;_;

Johnny Ong said...

once played an online game and almost didnt sleep trying to protect myself throughoutt he day. after that i gave up on such online game ........ hehe

- k o R i - said...

lolz, good for you XD

I like this game a bit more than the others because I can afk at any time I like XD